
Words from my clients who have made me part of their healing journey.

Maryam, UK

 I got divorced in July last year. I was in a very abusive marriage, be it verbal, mental, physical, spiritual, psychological and many more I don’t need to say. I was only 18 at the time while I was going through this. I decided to start this coaching programme with Ahlam. Now bear in mind I have done coaching/counselling before and I never ever felt that it was helpful. In fact it would just make it more difficult as I didn’t feel comfortable to share my emotions. I didn’t feel like I was being heard out. 

Ahlam has a manner in the way she listens and speaks and gives advice. It’s very serene. She is very soft spoken and an amazing listener, may Allah bless her pure heart, Ameen. I was very comfortable with Ahlam instantly. She let me cry when I wanted to cry, she made me feel like it was ok to feel the way I was feeling and it didn’t mean I was mental, like how my ex made me feel. She made me see everything in a whole different way. In a click of a finger she was able to change my mindset. I do believe that it takes two to tango, so if you want to be better you can receive good advice but it would be up to yourself to change. Ahlam was able to push me when I was feeling down and giving up and that was with the manner and advice she would give me. The way she always instilled Islam has to be one of the biggest things. Everything that Ahlam has ever said to me it always linked to Allah. 

I had lots of dark memories that the only way I would be able to be at ease was to face them. I never thought that I would have been able to do that. Ahlam made me feel comfortable enough to look back into that specific dark memory and make me remember and imagine exactly how I felt in that situation. She told me to imagine the present me to look at the old me and say to the old me that I am safe and will be able to get out of this and to hug the old me. Only then I was able to get over that very dark memory. I was absolutely amazed in how I was able to do that.

I completed the full 6 months with Ahlam and I will never say it was a waste. It was the best investment ever. She has helped me prevail so well. She made me realise that it was never me and that I am beautiful and I am gifted with the heart that I have. She has taught me on how to deal with any future comings. She has taught me on how to stand my ground. She has made me able to realise the red flags when it comes to finding your companion. She made me realise different types of abuse and made me realise that I was not just verbally and physically abused, I was abused in many ways. She taught me how the body works around with trauma; this made me feel comfortable with any emotion I felt as I knew this was natural and that it will pass.

The connection I have built with Ahlam is very special to me so much that I now see her as my big sister and I thank her so much for the help she has given me. I have decided to continue coaching with her as I believe that in life it is good to have that one person you can speak to and I know that I have found this person to confide in.

Ahlam will forever be one of my blessings that I will forever keep in my heart .She helped me at the most difficult time of my life and I think that she was born to do what she is doing to help and guide innocent pure hearts. Ahlam, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wouldn’t have been able to heal this way if it was not for your input. Jazakallahu khayr.”

Anonymous, UK

“Talking with Ahlam has really helped me to share years of my pain and this has been therapeutic. Someone I could talk to without being criticised or being made to feel that I was the problem. Ahlam made me realise that I’m not the problem and made me believe in myself and realise my value as a person. So, this has made me more confident in myself. I am more focused and firm in my decisions. I feel mentally stronger and before I would try and keep the peace whenever others would want to create problems or treat me bad, but now I speak up for myself. I am telling them where I draw the line and setting boundaries for myself.”

Farzana, UK

“It’s the best investment I have made for my daughter. She really loved talking to you and your sessions has incredibly helped her wallahi. She understands her feelings, and has the ability to manage them. She always wanted a sister to talk to and she sees that in you Alhamdulilah.”

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